The Donkey Trail 

The Donkey Trail is situated in the middle of nature, at the edge of the Kačák River Basin Nature Park, 15 km west from Prague, near Svárov. You can easily reach us by car or by public transport from Prague as well as from Kladno. 

Opening hours: 

Our farm doesn´t have any fixed opening hours.  Reservation is required before your visit. 

April - November: standard programms see here: 

December- March : Individual visits and walks after prior reservation

All programms and visits 


Mgr. Ing. Maria Žižlavská 

we speak English 

wir sprechen Deutsch

Where can you find us:
Svárov, okres Kladno, 273 51,  crossroad "K lesu"  and "K chatám"

Phone Nr. :
+420 777 973 470


Follow us:

Getting here: 

By car

Insert  "Oslí stezka" in your sat- nav

Without sat- nav:

Highway D5 - exit Nr. 5 (Rudná u Prahy) direction Unhošť, go on to Drahelčice, Úhonice, Ptice, Svárov ( 12 minutes drive from D5 highway).

Highway  D6  - exit Nr. 12 direction Unhošť, in Unhošť, take the 1st left to Svárov ( 5 minutes drive form D6 )

In Svárov:

drive through Svarov, direction Podkozí / Chyňava, 300 meters after the village-end, take the 1st right and after another 300m turn sligtly rigt ( local path ) after 500 m you will se our gate Oslí stezka

Public transport from Prague and Kladno:

From Prague -  Metro Zličín, take the bus Nr. 307 to Svarov

From  Kladno - take the bus Nr. 307 or 220027  to Svárov

In Svárov - pass the pond ( church will be on your  right) after 100m, at the parking lot, turn right  (K lesu), after 500m, passing the paddocks,  you will reach the farm gate

BUS schedule Nr. 307 from Praha - Zličín  and Kladno HERE

portál Oslí je provozován ve spolupráci:

společnost FEEL GOOD IN s.r.o. , IČO 07583681, spisová značka C 303163 vedená u Městského soudu v Praze a 

Mgr. Ing. Maria Zizlavska, K Podkozí 74, 273 51 Svárov, IČ: 05706262, fyzická osoba zapsaná v živnostenském rejstříku, Magistrát města Kladna

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